Limited Spaces Available In March!
We want to hear about what you envision for the best version of yourself. whether that means coming up with an plan or just being able talk through issues.
We will work with you to chart out where you want go, design a plan, and put into motion everything needed in order get there.
It's as simple as choosing your class times, carving out that time for what's important and showing up. From there, we make it easy!
Fall of 2016, which was my junior year in college.
CFWL was the first gym I joined and I’ve loved every day of being here.
I am passionate about coaching Crossfit because I believe it builds life-long community and fitness. Crossfit prepares people to handle the physical demands of everyday life.
My favorite lift is anything to do with squating. My favorite workout is probably Cindy or Murph.
When I am not at Crossfit, I am teaching Math and coaching freshman football at Lafayette Jefferson High School.
I also enjoy watching Great British Baking show with my wife, Katie. Or riding bikes with my wife. Or taking walks with my wife and our dogs. She’s pretty great. I also love listening to Gospel in Life podcasts by Tim Keller on Spotify
I started around March of 2014
January 2nd of 2018 if I’m not mistaken
I believe that everybody can develop and achieve a level of skills far beyond what they believe. To me, coaching is all about helping people through this journey.
For skills, Snatch is a great way to see where my strength, mobility, coordination are.
For conditioning, I am a believer in Thrusters, probably the most comprehensive workout there is.
I love a CrossFit Games workout called “Triple 3”:
3000 mts Row
300 Double-Unders
3 Mile Run
I am a Computer Scientist, mostly working with application development and data science.
Oh my, essentially everything? Martial Arts, Climbing, Mountain Biking, Video Games, Music. Basically I don’t have enough hours in the day to do everything I like
Almost 2.5 years ago, at the start of the COVID shut-downs
July 2021
Helping others grind and continuously improve themselves is a great thing to be a part of. Especially when you start to see progress they did not think they were capable of to begin with. Love it.
Lift: Snatches or OHS
Girls WOD: Annie or Linda
I work at the Meadow Lake Wind Farm, north of Lafayette. I always describe it as the wind turbines you pass by when driving I-65 to Chicago. And yes, we do climb and work at the very top.
I enjoy listening to music, riding bikes, and hiking outdoors with my girlfriend and dog
My husband took the Level 1 Certification at Yosemite back in 2010 to coach for 5 years at a small garage box we built in Mongolia to give people an alternative to alcoholism. At first, we started with basketballs filled with cement and rebar handles for kettlebells and a lot of body weight movements (my jam!!) Then, we ordered a set of bumper plates, which took about 6 months to arrive! It wasn’t until we joined CrossFit 1315 in Spain in 2016 when I started learning Oly lifts!
We checked out Lafayette in early 2019 and we came to the box before we officially moved to Lafayette, so in some ways CrossFit West Lafayette was our very first home here!
I have been Life Coaching for 7 years and I’ve always been passionate about whole health: body, soul, and Spirit. I love high intensity workouts and the feeling of accomplishment after every workout! Coaching challenges me to keep getting better so that I can help others be the best they can be! I also love seeing people getting results and hitting PRs!!!
I love all lifts at about 70-80% of a 1RM so it’s challenging but no worry of injury! I especially like the dynamic feeling of the snatch and enjoy push press and jerks. All Metcons are my favorite, especially those with lighter strength movements where I can go fast for longer time thresholds. I like Murph for what it represents, so Cindy is my favorite Girl’s workout so far.
I am a prior enlisted Air Force Reserve Chaplain. I am also a Life Coach focused on Health and Wellness in all areas (many of my clients live overseas and we meet via Zoom).
I love traveling all over the world! Stateside, I enjoy training and traveling to to run in Spartan obstacle Races around the country. The muddier the better!!!
I am a Jesus-following, Black-Rifle Coffee-drinking, 43 year old full-time grandma and mother of 3, madly in love with my super strong husband who is a Brazilian Jujitsu loving, tattooed pastor at Arise Christian Fellowship who loves a good IPA. Feel free to come check out our church sometime!! Our oldest daughter is married to an Argentinian and lives in Spain, our son is adopted from Vietnam and is going to Cedarville University in Ohio to study nursing, and our youngest daughter is adopted from Ethiopia and a mother to Santiago, our beloved grandson that keeps us go-go-going and burning extra calories daily!
I started CrossFit in May 2015 while living in Connecticut at Crossfit Thin Blue Line (now Silk City Fit). I remember I finished my on-ramp (foundation classes) just before Memorial Day so my first official class workout was “Murph,” which may explain some things about myself. I obtained my CrossFit L1 in 2018 and my CrossfitKids certificate in 2020.
I joined the CFWL family in January 2022.
I did not realize how much I enjoyed coaching until I started to help out with my youngest brother’s baseball team back in college. One of the best things to see as a coach is the look on an athlete’s face whenever they accomplish something that they did not believe they could do. I enjoy the challenges that coaching brings such as “personalizing” cues to each individual athlete. Coaching challenges me to constantly test myself to fully understand my movements to provide the best possible coaching. As a coach, if I do not have a complete understand of a movement I cannot help athletes perfect their movements. Coaching is all about teaching, and my role as a coach is not only to teach movements but teaching athletes proper muscle engagement while performing various movements. My passion comes from this and knowing that if I can help one person “feel” and engage the proper muscles during a movement, we can strength those muscles and their technique to not only improve the quality of the movement, but help them live a healthy and injury free live outside of the gym.
Favorite lift: Snatches for sure. There is something about the complexity of the lift and the speed/body awareness requirements that I love. Favorite Metcon: Anything with muscle ups or handstand push-ups. Favorite Girl Workout: “Amanda” or “Mary”
I am a research and development scientist at Perfinity Biosciences in West Lafayette
My wife and I have three dogs and a young son, so we love to get outdoors whenever we can for hikes. One dog is an Australian shepherd who is obsessed with playing Frisbee so we run a local K9 Toss & Fetch League (lots of fun for dogs with the added competition for us humans). When the weather is nice, I like to get out for a mountain bike ride during weekend mornings.
July 2021
July 2021
I love coaching because it gives me the opportunity to have a positive impact on members in the gym, by improving their movement quality and involving them in the community.
My favorite lift is bench press/ box jumps, my favorite metcon is Grace.
Full Time Student.
My hobbies include reading, crossift (duh), and anything involved with being at the lake
May, 2013
May, 2015
After the birth of our 4th son, I had diverticulitis and had emergency surgery-I was in the hospital with a 6 week old, not knowing how unhealthy and close to death I truly was. I was always tired, stressed, and unhappy. Once I found CrossFit, the change that happened inside of me was so empowering-I felt like I could get through hard things. The change on the outside was just a bonus! I love helping other moms that are just like I was-used to putting everyone else’s needs above their own, to learn to put their own oxygen mask on first. Then they can take care of everyone around them and be the best version of themselves, and truly release the strength that has been inside them all along. I also love being a gym mom to so many incredible young adults-it’s such an honor to watch them grow as athletes and as people in their time with us!
I love the clean and jerk, and I have really grown to love deadlifts and squats! But favorite workout is definitely Grace.
Besides full time mom duty with all of our 4 boys’ sports and activities, I am also an insurance agent at Reliable Insurance, working for Kurt Watt, who I met through this awesome CrossFit community!
I love reading and writing, hiking, traveling, disc golf, and hanging out with my family.
Aug of 2015
Aug of 2015
I love coaching CrossFit because it shows people how they CAN do hard things. Doing those hard things translates over into mental resilience, fortitude and perseverance. If we can do CrossFit then we can handle whatever life throws at us. I love watching people’s confidence build as they accomplish a new skill or lift a heavier weight. I truly believe in healthy promotion and disease prevention rather than constantly being in a reactive state, like the majority of our healthcare system currently is. I know I plan to do CrossFit for life and know that our programming provides an awesome longevity plan for people who stay committed and trust the process.
Hang clean, deadlifts, or pullups. ANNIE and DT.
I’m also the Nutrition Coach and owner of CFWL. I’m a certified Family Nurse Practitioner. I took the past year off of working as a NP to focus on my children more but am excited to return eventually to the medical field.
I love to be outdoors, read books, take walks in the woods, play the piano and spend time with my family and friends.
Allen was born and raised in West Lafayette and attended West Lafayette High School. He played multiple sports in high school and continued his athletic career at Vincennes University as a pitcher in baseball. After transferring to and graduating from IUPUI with his Criminal Justice Degree, he started working in 2004 as a Police Officer at Purdue University. He currently is working as a Lieutenant of Training Operations, which entails overseeing all police instructors and recruitment and creating general training programs for officers and civilians.
He has always been one of the lucky few who’s favorite pastime is working out, especially weight lifting. Because he missed the competitive aspect of athletics, he trained for powerlifting and then competed in amateur Strongman competitions prior to finding CrossFit. He previously held a Strength and Conditioning Certification through the International Sports Sciences Association and was certified as a personal trainer, training one-on-one’s in the past. He’s also a CrossFit Level 1 Trainer.
Allen enjoys strength-related movements such as the olympic and powerlifts. He loves to help people with technique regarding these types of lifts and to push people to do what they believe they cannot do. You may catch him complaining about metcons but he’s realized in the past few months by focusing on this, it’s actually quite beneficial! He loves high energy classes and you may find him being his boisterous (and sometimes obnoxious) self! He’s most excited to connect with members and to help each person achieve his/her fitness goals!
CrossFit Level 1